Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Friedman Twist

It is so much fun to watch Tom Friedman twist in the wind. In his column in today's NY Times ( Op-Ed Columnist: Democracy's Root: Diversity ) he writes "A senior French official suggested to me that maybe we in the West, rather than trying to promote democracy in the Middle East — a notion tainted by its association with the very Western powers that once colonized the region — should be focusing on promoting diversity, which has historical roots in the area." Of course, he fails to mention that he was at the front of the media herd agitating that the United States install democracy in the Middle East, and that is why he supported Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Now democracy is to Islam as oil is to water, so Tom has to contort himself a bit while he tries to sneak in the notion that maybe what the Islamic countries really need is a little diversity. Duh!

I think Tom's next book should be about all the things he got terribly wrong since he started his op-ed column. There is certainly a lot of material to work with.

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