Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ron Paul

I thought about supporting Ron Paul for President, because I agree with him on Iraq and Afghanistan, and because presidents have much more leeway in foreign policy than they do in domestic affairs. But I do not agree with him in how we should deal with al Qaeda (AQ).

He only wants to use letters of marque and reprisal to capture and kill the enemy. While these Constitutional instruments should be used, we need to do a lot more in this "war on terror". (The latter expression may not be the best one, in light of Michael Scheuer's ideas expressed in "Imperial Hubris", but I will continue to use it until I finish his book and come up with something better, perhaps along the lines of "war on AQ insurgents" or something less cumbersome.) I have already said what I would do (see below).

Still, what he says about Iraq and Afghanistan, and about what led to 9/11, I could not agree with more. He stands heads and shoulders above all the presidential candidates of both major parties on these critical issues. I wish him well, and thank him for his many services to our nation.

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