Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kill Pakistani Taliban In Quetta

Re Op-Ed Contributor: Caution: Taliban Crossing by Arthur Keller (a former C.I.A. case officer in Pakistan) in today's NY Times:

Quote from article: "This year has seen a notable lack of Qaeda members killed or captured in Pakistan. The Afghan government has turned over detailed lists of names and addresses for Taliban members residing in Pakistan, particularly in the city of Quetta. Not only has this information not led to arrests, Pakistan has routinely continued to deny that the Taliban’s leadership is in Quetta. A Pakistani military officer told me last year (in an uncharacteristic fit of honesty): “If we are not catching the Taliban, it is not because the Taliban is so clever, or so good at hiding. We just aren’t trying.”"

The way forward should be clear. We need to establish "death squads" based in Pakistan to hunt down and kill members of al Qaeda and the Taliban who live there. While this may seem outlandish, considering that Pakistan is a sovereign country, it is not. Pakistan forfeited their sovereignty by harboring, aiding and abetting the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. To do otherwise sends the following message to our enemy: you can attack the United States of America and then live happily ever after in Pakistan.

Somehow, George W. Bush thought that installing a puppet government in Afghanistan, and then invading Iraq, was the way to deal with our enemy. Clearly, such an insane policy was doomed to failure, and failure is what we are living with today.

I don't have a crystal ball, so I don't know who our next president will be, but I hope we get someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to crush our enemy and finally win the War on Terror.

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