Sunday, November 4, 2007


"The United States has given Pakistan more than $10 billion in aid, mostly to the military, since 2001" according to today's NY Times.

This is a perfect example of why we should not give foreign aid. Country X could be our friend today, and tomorrow our enemy.

If Pakistan descends into chaos, and as a result al Qaeda gets one or more nukes from the Pakistani arsenal, that would be very bad news. So, what did our $10 billion in aid to Pakistan do for us? Nothing!

We should never have allowed al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden to escape from Afghanistan. I just wonder, when, if ever, President Bush will get off the learning curve, and start getting results.

Note to OBL: Bush won't be president forever. Your days are numbered.


Weer'd Beard said...

ummm Bin Laden has been dead for years.

No doubt in my mind, otherwise we would have heard from him in the last few years.

The fact that Al Quaeda keeps releasing fake videos or re-runs of OBL proves the point.

Unfortunetly his body is likely buried in an unmaked hidden grave somewhere between Pakistan and Afganistan. We'll never find the body, but dead is dead.

Raktim Anjay Balamraman said...

I think that is classical wishful thinking. He has been making videos, I have seen them and read the transcripts, he even says nice things about Michael Scheuer - a former CIA guy who has written extensively about him, and wants him and the enemy dead just like me. Is it possible that OBL is dead? I think so, but the probability is that he is alive and still running AQ. (Dead would be like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: hunted down and executed.)