Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gaza, Dreams and Religion

The people of Gaza are living in misery today. Their economy is poor, there are many street gangs inflicting violence on innocent people, and most of the population is despondent. It need not be this way.

Hamas runs Gaza. Hamas orders daily rocket fire at Israel, and plans terrorist attacks against Israelis. Hamas does this because their leaders are Islamic fundamentalists. That ideology will not allow them to stop hating Israel.

Suppose somehow all the people of Gaza, while asleep one night, had the same dream. In this dream, "God" spoke to them and told them that He is not Allah, there is no Allah, Muhammad was not a prophet, and the Koran is a work of fiction; the only way for the people of Gaza to please Him would be for them to make peace with the Israelis, and love their neighbors, and live ethical lives; religion poisons everything; all religions are false; no man can know His mind; He does not want to be worshipped.

The next day, Hamas and all the Muslims in Gaza would renounce Islam; crime would stop; the attacks on Israel would end; the leaders of Hamas would contact the Israeli leaders and state that they have "seen the light" and want peace; a peace treaty with Israel would be signed; all economic sanctions against Gaza would end; all physical barriers between Gaza and Israel would be removed; Gazans and Israelis would live in peace and prosperity.

The former Hamas leaders would spread the Word throughout the Middle East, and all its neighbors would seek peace with Israel. The message of Peace would then spread throughout the Islamic world, and eventually all 1,300,000,000 Muslims would renounce their false religion and try to live in peace with all other peoples. Al Qaeda would cease to exist, and the United States would declare an end to the War on Terror. Gitmo would be closed forever, and all political prisoners of the War on Terror would be released.

This is my dream.

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