Friday, November 23, 2007

Terrorism in India

(This posting is not about American policy per se but is a freebie for anyone interested in Indian policies.)

It boggles my mind the degree to which many Indians are tolerant of Islamic terrorism.

In an article in today's NY Times (Courthouse Bombings Strike 3 Indian Cities by Amelia Gentleman) we are told of simultaneous bombings in three different cities, apparently in retaliation for "a recent decision by lawyers in Uttar Pradesh not to offer to defend terrorist suspects". Nowhere in the article does it mention Islam, but we all know that only one so-called "religion" constantly advocates and inspires (via the promise of 72 virgins in "Paradise") their brain-dead adherents to murder innocent people in the cause of their idiotic beliefs.

The solution to this problem in India is simple. Require all Muslims to renounce their faith or else face expulsion to the Islamic nation of their choice. This way, Indians can live in peace, and not have to worry about random acts of violence by deranged religious nutjobs.

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