Sunday, October 21, 2007

Jihadi Web Sites

I just read What to Do About Pixels of Hate By Michael Moss in today's NY Times.

There appears to be disagreement among anti-jihadis about how to handle jihadi web sites. Some in the law enforcement arena believe we should leave them alone, because they are a source of intelligence about our enemy. But I side with Joseph G. Shahda, whose quest to shut down those web sites is highlighted in the article.

Since we are in a War on Terror, we should go on the offensive, in particular by using our enormous "soft power". (See "How to Defeat Al Qaeda"). The act of shutting down the enemy's web sites causes them to react, and whenever they move or hide, that response provides even better intelligence. I say "keep them on the run". Don't let them rest. Don't let them sleep. Attack! Attack! Attack!

Three cheers for Joseph G. Shahda!

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