Saturday, October 13, 2007

Medicare for all citizens

Medicare should be changed to make it available to all American citizens, as opposed to only those aged 65 and older.

Medicare is far more efficient (less costly per medical service) than private health insurance. Also, making it available to all ages will eliminate the problem of uninsured citizens.

This would also make our domestic industries more competitive, since it would result in lower labor costs. (Most of our global competitors are based in countries which already have universal health care.)

Don't listen to the fear mongering ideologues who would scare you by calling this "socialism". We already have "socialism" in that sense, except it goes by other names: public education, the military, and Social Security are just three examples.

As a nation, we would probably save hundreds of billions of dollars in the first ten years of this program, because Medicare is so efficient compared with the wasteful private health system and its greedy CEOs.

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