Sunday, October 28, 2007

NY Times Newspeak

Re Editorial Observer: What Part of 'Illegal' Don't You Understand? by Lawrence Downes in today's NY Times:

There they go again. The NY Times uses newspeak (see Wikipedia) and ad hominem attacks on its opponents when discussing illegal immigrants because facts and logic are not on their side.

Mr. Downes likens the crime of illegally sneaking into our country with his own jaywalking. And if you want all illegal aliens deported, you are a bigot. He also sees the word illegal "as a code word for racial and ethnic hatred".

I do not doubt that there are bigoted and racist Americans who want to end illegal immigration. There are also murderers and rapists who favor the "immigration reform" views of Mr. Downes and the NY Times.

But my interest is, what is best for America. In this matter, deportation of illegal aliens and doing a better job of preventing them from crossing into our country, would be better for America than the current situation.

I see the world as vastly overpopulated with humans. It is easy to identify the regions which are overpopulated: they have a lot more emigrants than immigrants. So, I would offer the following as a partial list of overpopulated places: Mexico, China, India, Pakistan, and most of Africa.

The only humane way to deal with this problem is sterilization and birth control. Otherwise, the source countries stay overpopulated and the destination countries become overpopulated.

I imagine many people believe that our planet is not overpopulated. What they should do is look at all the suffering caused by hunger, disease, wars, and human pollution.

In matters such as this, "absolutes" do not apply; there is no ideal population size. It is a matter of degrees, not absolutes. But clearly, our planet is overpopulated, and illegal immigration just makes the problem worse.

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