Sunday, October 28, 2007

No More Bushes Or Clintons - Right Now!

After the carnage brought on America by two Bushes and one Clinton, we can only hope that Hillary Clinton's luck runs out and somehow she either loses the Democratic nomination or drops out of the race.

I wish we could turn back the clock to 1988, but that is pure fantasy.

My fear is that Hillary becomes President, with Bill Clinton advising her on foreign policy. That could only lead us into a prolonged "War on Terror", since she would not have the balls to pull us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and like her husband, would be afraid to kill Osama bin Laden even if he were in our sights, since she and Bill would greatly fear collateral damage.

I firmly believe that the Bushes and Clintons have already damaged America enough. Hillary should not be elected President on that basis alone.

If I may indulge in another fantasy, I would like to see Dick Cheney resign and be replaced by any intelligent, non-ideological adult American. Once that switch is secure, George W. Bush would do the smartest, most patriotic thing of his life, and also resign.

When a corporate CEO screws up big-time, he is forced to resign (even though, sadly, he usually gets a gigantic severance package). Since Bush is our first MBA President, and likes to think of himself as a businessman (his fantasy) he ought to do the only honorable thing after so many painful years of incomprehensible incompetence: resign.

I have written many posts (and will continue to write more in the same vein) criticizing the worst president in the history of the United States, so there is no reason for me to list here all of Bush's mistakes. However, I am compelled to reiterate one mistake which by itself is sufficient to call for his resignation: his failure to kill or capture Osama bin Laden (OBL).

Not even Nazi Germany or its ally, militaristic Japan, was able to attack the mainland of the US, never mind get away with it. That OBL is still breathing is a grievous insult to our forefathers and to every man or woman who ever fought for our great nation.

The blood of every American who ever died or was wounded in any battle pre-9/11 or on 9/11 demands that we defeat Al Qaeda and get OBL. Bush failed at this, and failed miserably. He should resign ASAP.

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