Sunday, October 21, 2007


I just read Few Answers About Nooses, but Much Talk of Jim Crow By Paul Vitello in the NY Times. Apparently, some jerks have nothing better to do than to leave nooses in public places, with obvious racial motivation. As of this writing, no arrests have been made.

So, while we are fighting a War on Terror, and should be coming together as one people in one nation, some losers have nothing better to do than to stir up racial discord and in effect hurt their fellow citizens.

I don't know which laws were broken, but if nothing else, I hope the culprit(s) are found and shamed by the communities where they live. No doubt, they deserve our condemnation.

I would not be surprised if someone explains why the perps were acting like jerks. But in our imperfect world, unless a person has a real mental defect which causes such anti-social and racist behavior, then the perp must take full responsibility for his or her actions, and pay the consequences.

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